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Semi-automatic carton floder gluer machine manufacturer

The composition and working principle of the pasting device of the semi-automatic carton floder gluer machine , which is mainly composed of the pasting roller, the adjusting roller, the paste cleaner, the scraper, the paste tray and the baffle, etc. The pasting roller rotates in the paste tray containing the dry agent (mostly starch paste), uses the adhesion force of the paddle paste to make the paste coated on the roll surface, and then the adjusting roller appropriately limits the amount of coating, and applies the quantitative paste to the top of the corrugated core paper. The adjusting roller is equipped with a scraper to scrape the excess paste on the surface of the adjusting roller. The adjusting roller can rotate in both positive and negative directions. Semi-automatic carton gluing machine, which is mainly used for carton gluing, improves production efficiency and makes you feel at ease. The specific operation is to fold the whole piece of processed cardboard and send it to the gluing department. The gluing department will automatically apply glue to the bonding part of the cardboard, and then send it to the department through the roller to reach the quantity one by one, and then automatically transmit the pressure, blow dry and finally complete.

 The semi-automatic carton floder gluer machine  can leave the factory only after inspection, commissioning and acceptance.  box gluing machine is firm. Now let’s share with you the sampling inspection of the box gluing process:

 1. If any abnormality is found in the sampling inspection, it shall be adjusted in time

 2. After the end of this batch of orders, the repaired and scrapped cartons shall be sorted and put in place according to the different conditions of the cartons, and the quantity of scrapped products shall be recorded and archived; The reworked products shall be handed over according to the handover system of the process leader.

 3. The five finished boxes shall be fully inspected before bonding by the box gluing machine, and shall be uniformly cleaned after the end of the order to prevent the inclusion of defective products.

 4. During the normal bonding process, at least one carton should be taken from every thirty cartons to observe the printing, die-cutting and bonding conditions; Products that do not meet the quality requirements shall be picked out to avoid mixing with the next process.



Post time: Jan-28-2023